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Thank you for your interest in partnering with RBC.


This site has been designed for you to submit sponsorship requests to our Canadian, U.S. and International markets. Please be aware that all incoming proposals will be evaluated against our current brand strategy .

Please Note:

  • All proposals will be reviewed confidentially, and processed within 30 days of your submission.
  • All proposals must be submitted through our online site. Requests received by telephone, email or regular mail will not be considered.
  • If you would like to make multiple requests, you must complete separate entries for each option.


Next Steps:

Fill-out the sponsorship request form to the best of your ability and submit once completed. You will be provided with an immediate email confirmation of your request.

Based on the financial support you are seeking, select the appropriate dollar figure from the drop-down menu below which will then provide you with a link to start your application. Please note all monetary values are listed in Canadian currency. You will have the opportunity to specify an exact amount later in the application.


Thank you for considering RBC, and best of luck with the application process.



For FAQ's about this application process, click here.

By providing your information, you consent to its collection, use, and disclosure by RBC for the purpose of processing your sponsorship application. Your information will be processed in accordance with RBC's Global Privacy Notice, which can be found here: https://www.rbc.com/privacysecurity/ca/global-privacy-notice.html .

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